Tupac Back!!!

Dress (old), Socks-Ross/Leggings-UO (~1 yr old)/Sweater-H&M (gifted)/Boots-Esprit (super old)/Earrings, Bracelets-Burlington
Hair-Something I threw together since I didn't braid/twist it the night before
Action shot!  Looks like I'm doing the Stanky Leg, lol!!!

I've had these boots for 5+ years and I never get tired of them!  Think I'll wear them 'til they fall apart, get them repaired, and wear 'em some more!!!

Hi guys!  It's been a while since I posted.  My laptop, which I lovingly refer to as Tupac (because it takes a licking and keeps on ticking) was out of commission.  I'm so happy to have Tupac Back!!!  Shout out to my computer guy, C, for being the absolute best!!!

I took these pics a couple of weeks ago before the ATL weather changed.  I was test driving the Nikon L105 I scored on Black Friday.  A few more mega pixels than my Nikon COOLPIX and a lot more zoom...I love it!!!  The hands down best feature this camera boasts is the sports continuous mode which allows photos to be taken continuously while depressing the capture button.  The last 2 pics were taken in this mode. 

I'm so happy we're on the brink of a weekend!  I've got some great event recaps to post so stay tuned...