
I’ve been in a rut lately and whenever I start feeling this way, I turn inward to figure out why. Admittedly, I have had a lot going on and when things are hectic I have the tendency to put all my focus into what’s going on and forget about myself.  I think this is a common issue among women since we are nurturers innately and we’re taught to take care of others since the moment we get our first baby doll.  After some introspection, I realized the problem was that I wasn’t working toward a personal goal.  This is totally foreign to me since I’ve always been ambitious.  Even though my ambitious nature hasn’t changed, I hadn’t allowed myself the time to work toward my goals.  Before mapping out time to work toward them, I had to reevaluate my goals. 

Here are the steps I took:

(1)    Looked over long and short-term goals

(2)    Checked off things that I’ve accomplished

(3)    Crossed out things that were no longer relevant

(4)    Imagined (yes imagined) what I want my life to be like now and in the future

(5)    Set goals based on my vision

I don’t know about you, but a vacation home in the South of France is not a reality for me now…but planning a vacation is so it’s important to break down your goals into bite-sized portions.  A wise man once asked, “How do you eat an elephant?”  My answer was YOU DON’T! But figuratively speaking, “One bite at a time.”  This serves as a reminder to set attainable goals.  Another example is forgoing that exotic vacation and shoe shopping 😓 to save up for a down payment on that vacation home.  It is important to be consistent with your goals and work toward them daily.  Whatever your goals, pursue them relentlessly.



What I'm Wearing

Floral dress/duster- TJ Maxx| Old Navy Mid Rise Distressed Rock Star Jeans | DSW Report Leduc Bootie
