Life Maintenance: Do Better

As non PC as this video is, I can't help but think of it every time I hear the phrase Do Better...
That phrase pretty much sums up where I am right now.  Between the kids, grad school, and my other projects I have been completely exhausted...exhausted to the point where falling asleep in bed with my laptop, fully dressed, glasses and lights on has become the rule rather than the exception.  Of course this leads to a domino effect...stiff neck, migraines, and looking like hell the next day because I neglected to tie up my hair.  After dealing with this for weeks months, I had to make some changes because I was running on fumes.  I've had to be a little OCD to get back on track.  Here are the steps I took:
1. Created an evening routine
It starts with dinner, planning for the following day, etc.  It also includes winding down and going to bed at a reasonable hour intentionally.
2. Eating more
Yes, you heard me right.  Although I've been complaining about putting on a few pounds, I believe my weight gain was caused by skipping meals and then making bad choices as a result.
3. Taking a multivitamin
Although I'm a proponent of getting nutrients from food, having a few extra dollars is the bank is always a good idea!
4. Spending time on things that will assist in accomplishing goals
There's so much inspiration everywhere and we all love to peruse our time lines.  Limiting this to certain times has helped me find time I didn't know I had.
5. Stop and smell the roses
I know it sounds cliche, but it's true.  I walked to the park yesterday and just took in all of the sights and sounds.  I haven't exercised in months so I was completely exhausted afterward!  I slept like a baby and was in a wonderful mood all day today :-).
Since I've implemented these changes, I feel so much better.  I even feel like I look different, but since no one's said anything I'll keep that to myself, lol.  It's crazy that sometimes we get so consumed with life that we forget to live...

Tia Lou