My Granny My Valentine

Age: Mid to Late Teens
Circa early 1930's

Age: Mid 20's
Circa early 1940's

Age: 65
Age: 35

Valentine's Day has been bitter sweet for me for the past few years... NO, not because I've been single, but because I lost my Gran who's birthday is Valentine's Day.  My granny was the epitome of what I woman should be!  Although she possessed beauty that could stop people dead in their tracks, she didn't rely on that to get by.  She was intelligent, hard working, determined and, believe it or not, street smart.  She could hold her own with the best of 'em!  The stories she told me as a child stayed with me.  When I became a woman and experienced more than my fair share of bumps and bruises that life tends to dish out, I was able to use her experiences to get me through.

My family came across the old photos of my Granny (pictured above) in the late 90's.  Every one of my grandmother's five children, grandchildren, and probably great-grandchildren has these pictures.  I'm sure I speak for us all when I say how much they mean to us.  Sometimes I just stare at them imagining all she went through in her nearly 90 years of life.  Those photos inspired me to do a photo shoot for my 35th birthday in hopes that my children and many MANY years from now, my grandchildren, will look at my photos in the same way.  Although I began over a year later, this photo shoot was ultimately the reason I started blogging.  It all ties back to her.  She'll Always be my Valentine...