CBWW: Operation Mountaintop

Do you have that one thing in your life that you just can't seem to master?  Well...I have several lol, but at the moment I'll just focus on fitness.  I'll exercise everyday for a week, miss a day, and then fall off the wagon for a few weeks.  I'm pretty sure that having a workout partner would provide me some accountability and keep me on task.  The issue with that is that I have a chaotic schedule.  Even still I think I'm gonna give it a shot to see how it goes... 
When I was doing well with exercising a few weeks ago, me and my favorite girl met up with the ladies of CBWW to conquer Stone Mountain.  I've lived in Georgia all of my adult life and most of that time I've lived in or near Stone Mountain.  I've been to events at Stone Mountain and even walked/ran around it but I'd never climbed it?!  Shameful I know...  Although I'm a funner (fake runner, lol) climbing the mountain was a challenge.  It works muscles that don't get worked when running on level ground.  Even with that said, getting to the top was well worth it.  The view was absolutely amazing!  CBWW is trying to organize a group to do this walk once a month.  Check them out and join the movement!  I am and perhaps I'll do it more often when I get that workout buddy :).

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