Another Big Chop...

So I got another big chop...  Usually when I cut my hair I'm in the midst of some major life event.  Okay that still holds true, but this time it was a little different.  This time I wanted a "hair style".  Week after week I went to the salon and chickened out.  When I finally got the nerve, I left work early, rolled up to the salon, and it was closed.  I was determined to get my hair cut and went to a few other places to no avail.  I ended up at one of those places that I would normally go to just for a trim.  I said a prayer before I sat in the chair and as the locks of my hair fell I was paralyzed.  When I left, my flat ironed hair was standing on end and I had no idea what I was going to do with it. 

When I got home I washed it, put some rods in it, and hoped for the best.  The next day I unrolled my hair to reveal a fluffy fro. I thought I had done a pretty decent job especially considering what it looked like the day before so I decided I'd fake it until I made it.  That worked until I met up with my sisters in Boston and my sister Krystin called me Bruno Mars 😫. That night I twisted, curled, and slicked like a mad woman. This was the result and I loved it!  

Since then I have taken a little more off the sides and the back.  I'm also back to wash-n-go's since my curl pattern is back and because no one has time to twist hair for an hour every night.  Although my hair is shorter than I wanted initially, I'm embracing it fully.  I may even like the look of short hair better on me, but don't quote me on that because I'm already contemplating growing it back out! 😊
