Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes

I’ve always been ashy lol, seriously...  I have THEE driest skin and I struggle with staying moisturized especially in the winter.  I have tried every lotion, oil, and butter out there.  I’ve even attempted to make my own.  Some have worked temporarily but then I’m back to dull flaky skin, particularly on my legs.  I love showing a little okay A LOT of leg, but I worry about being ashy which causes me to be a bit self-conscious.

My bestie introduced me to dry brushing to get rid of cellulite and improve circulation.  After trying it, I realized that it has the added benefit of removing dead skin cells.  The first time I tried it, my legs actually looked worse not because it wasn’t working, but because it was!  Although my legs weren’t ready to show off I had begun to exfoliate what felt like, and probably was, years of dead skin.  I continued to do this daily before showering.  I moisturized, went about my day, and with each passing day I saw improvement.

Why didn’t I know about dry brushing forever ago?! I know I’m late

¯\_(ツ)_/¯.  Now I want to try an electric body brush!  Have you tried dry brushing?  What do you do to keep your skin moisturized in the winter?

What I'm wearing

sweater- i jeans by Buffalo/ dress- Joe Fresh/ boots- Charles by Charles David