My Doctor Bag

Dreaming is part of what makes us human. I’m a dreamer.  It’s what prompted me to pursue a doctorate degree when all of the odds were against me. Another dream that I’ve had for a really long time is having a boutique.  That’s how my blog was born...out of my love for clothes. I’ve been selling things for as long as I can remember…mostly on eBay and Craigslist.  I even hosted pop-up shops at my house, before I knew what a pop-up shop was, by inviting friends over to shop my closet.  My sales were the result of me having waaay too much stuff as I mentioned here, sometimes because money was tight as a single mom/student, but mostly because I love clothes! 

When I started going through my things, I began dreaming about my boutique again.  The thought was both scary and exhilarating at the same time.  I mean I’ve always sold stuff, but only to friends or strangers.  I’ve never said this is who I am and this is my stuff.  Putting yourself out there is scary!  You may be saying, “How can that be?  You’re putting yourself out there as a blogger??”  True…I am…and that was scary at first too, but it’s different.  As a blogger, I’m like hey I got these really cute boots but I’m not saying buy them from me. Well now I am :-).

I launched my Instagram boutique @mydoctorbag this week!!!  Please check it out and check back often as I will be adding new inventory regularly.  To make a purchase, leave your email address in the comments or DM me.  I will send you an invoice via PayPal and ship your item when payment is remitted.  Please tag @mydoctorbag with how you style your items as I would love to see how you style them!

What I'm wearing:  Hat- Urban Outfitters similar/Kimono- Boohoo similar/Random long sleeve tee/Jeans -Old Navy/Boots- Breckelles (Amazon)