Life Maintenance: Storage Solutions

Hi guys!  So this is my first post this week... I know what you're thinking, "Tia is a total slacker".  Well that's only partially true ;).  I've been spending the week getting myself back together mentally and emotionally.  I always feel better when I'm working toward a goal so I started organizing.  Remember this mess?! A wise man once posed the question, how do you eat an elephant to which he answered one bite at a time.  That is the approach I'm using to get organized.  Check out some of my storage solutions below.

I used my armoire to store my heels and clutches.  This allowed me to get rid of a bunch of shoe boxes and free up closet space.  It also makes finding the right pair of heels for an outfit a breeze.
I used the Ikea Expedit shelving unit to store my jeans, dress pants, and cardis.  This unit is really versatile as it can be placed vertically or horizontally.  It also has drawers which are sold separately.  I'm thinking about using curtain panels to give it a more polished look.  We'll see...

I still have A LOT to do as I have not even begun to touch my closets, but it's great to see that elephant withering away...poor guy.  Because organization is a journey not a destination, I would love for you to share your organizing tips with me.  Happy Friday!!!
Tia Lou