
Last week I introduced the weekly goals segment as a way to stay on target for our 2018 goals and so that we can hold each other accountable along the way. My goal for last week was to exercise 3 times. I made it, although marginally, but hey I made it! Fyi...dancing counts!!!

My goal for this week is to continue with last week's goal of exercising 3 times as well as make healthier food choices. I'm already behind the 8-ball on this since I had fast food yesterday...a combo complete with fries, but that will be my cheat day for the week *fingers crossed*.  My current tag line is, "As soon as I lose these 20 lbs..." Truthfully, I aim to adopt a healthier lifestyle overall so if these changes result in my losing 5 lbs. or 20, I'm okay with it. 

My goals aren't all about health and fitness, but good health is always a good starting point. What are your goals for 2018? To participate in the weekly goals challenge,  simply comment below or leave a comment on my social with the hashtag #unmadweeklygoals
